The Super Falling Leaves Moon Of Hoodoo Heritage Month

The Super Falling Leaves Moon, occurs on October 17th at 4:26 AM PT and 7:26 AM ET. For the Ojibwe, this time marks a significant part of their seasonal moon cycle, reflecting the shedding of leaves and the transition of nature as it prepares for winter. The Falling Leaves Moon represents letting go of the old and embracing change, a sentiment echoed by the themes of this lunation.


This particular Full Moon is also the biggest supermoon of the year, making it especially vibrant and emotionally charged. With the Moon closer to Earth, it appears larger and brighter, heightening emotions and amplifying energy. The presence of Mars in Cancer, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, and Pluto in Capricorn aspecting the Moon signals a period of intense reflection on our personal goals. However, obstacles in our relationships or external circumstances may stir inner conflict, leading to emotional confrontations.


In Rootwork, both the Full Moon and New Moon are powerful times for healing work. Just as the gravitational pull of the Moon affects the tides, it also influences us, as we are made up of around 75% water. During the Full Moon, the blood in our bodies flows a bit quicker, amplifying our energy and accelerating the healing process, both mentally and physically. This makes it an ideal time to perform healing rituals.


Under the intense energy of the Super Falling Leaves Moon, when emotions and energy are heightened, Hoodoo practitioners would see this as an opportune moment for healing. With Chiron retrograde in Aries offering deep emotional restoration, a healing ritual performed under this Full Moon can help align the body and spirit with the universe’s energy. The rush of vitality and the Moon’s light offer an enhanced ability to recover, whether it’s from emotional wounds or physical challenges.


Anointing a red candle with cinnamon oil, known in Hoodoo for its power to bring fast results, during the Full Moon can magnify your intentions and ignite a powerful healing process. Just as the tides surge with the pull of the Moon, so too can your healing be accelerated by aligning with the Moon’s natural cycles, using its energy to revitalize and renew.

The fixed stars Kurhah and Al Pherg introduce fortune but with underlying challenges, as hidden motivations and power dynamics come to light. Similar to the teachings in hoodoo—a spiritual tradition rooted in Soulaan heritage—this Full Moon period encourages us to unveil the unseen forces shaping our lives. Hoodoo emphasizes empowerment and working with natural energies to create change, and during Hoodoo Heritage Month, we are reminded of the importance of connecting with our spiritual roots and ancestors.


To honor both the intensity of the Aries Moon and the traditional practices of hoodoo, you can engage in a ritual under the Full Moon. Carve your name into a red candle to invoke the bold and action-oriented energy of Aries. Anoint the candle with cinnamon oil, a powerful ingredient in hoodoo known for its ability to activate intentions quickly and bring fast results. Lighting this candle will symbolize your desire for vigor and assertiveness in manifesting your goals.


This ceremony aligns with the warrior energy of Aries and can help clear any lingering blockages as you focus on your desires. As the Moon illuminates the sky, you are empowered to ask for what you need and deserve, knowing that both the universe and ancestral spirits are supporting your path forward.