Why do Ancient Kemetic/Egyptian statues have so many broken noses?
The efforts in media have created a hive mind of belief to have you believe the noses of Ancient Egyptians were broken off because of spiritual reasons. Edward Bleiberg of Brooklyn Museum’s Egyptian art galleries who oversees the museum’s extensive holdings explain’s “The damaged part of the body is no longer able to do its job,” Bleiberg explained. Without a nose, the statue-spirit ceases to breathe, so that the vandal is effectively “killing” it. I asked journalists like Dima Amro who retorted these claims to forward me Papyrus or scholar journal reiterating that the nose was held to such spiritual esteem the Ancient Egyptians (no replies back). Furthermore I could only find this theory being regurgitated within the last few years.

So here’s my Theory based on “egyptology” and true life events.
Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge has noted that Ancient Egyptians documented that “The heart was the source of life and being and any damage to it would result in a second death in which everything would be destroyed.” I cant find anything that referenced the nose as vital to continued spiritual existence, all knowledge points to the heart. In fact the “weighing of the heart” ritual results in a permanent second death if the heart out weighed Goddess Amit’s feather.
By 1978 we know that Napoleon grew fond of Kemet/Egypt. He was stunned to find that his research lead him to see and believe that Ancient Egyptians were indeed black. As a result there has been a belief of his anguish as he (and others) destroyed many historical structures and defaced many statues including the notorious Sphinx. There has been no evidence to support this claim. This was driven only by the current times of racism intensified by the transatlantic slave trade and reluctance of potentially revising the image of their current state of slave profits. This motivation could also be attributed to the reason why Giuseppe Ferlini destroyed over 40 pyramids, monuments, and looted goods forever forgotten in the name of racism. The more likely accepted conclusion is it was destroyed due to it representing pagan idol worship by the now dominating islamic religion. Many believe a man named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr may have been the one ultimately responsible.

So if the heart was of the true essence of the inevitable second death to be believed spiritual, then again why was the nose destroyed instead? It for one reason and one reason only, to destroy the image that presented itself indigenous to Black people to continue their supremacy ideology and lure that the African man is nothing more than a savage incapable of such kingdom and civilization.